Thursday, November 27, 2008
aku g lepak kt mapley ngn member aku..
pas penat lepak, kitorunk pown blah..
sblm blk tue mmbr aku g singgah jap kt kdi nk beli rokok..
aku follow la skali..
dodol : bro, kasi sempoerna hijau 20 satu!
bro : eh, mude lg kau nie..
aku : .....
dodol : ....
bro : nape? hidop ko x sempoerna lg ke?
aku : HAHAHAHA!!!!!
dodol : >.<
bro : gurau je :p
bly tahan gak bro kedai tue wat lawak. x bly handle aku tahan gelak :p
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanks Giving Indie Night |
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Father's Day Special.
“Hi honey
This is Daddy.
Is Mommy near the phone?”
“No Daddy.
She’s upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul.”
After a brief pause,
Daddy says,
“But honey, you haven’t got an Uncle Paul.”
“Oh yes I do,and he’s upstairs in the room
with Mommy, right now.”
Brief Pause.
“Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do.
Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs
and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy
that Daddy’s car just pulled into the driveway.”
“Okay Daddy,just a minute.”
A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone.
“I did it Daddy.”
“And what happened honey?” he asked.
“Well, Mommy got all scared,jumped out of bed with no
clothes on and ran around screaming.Then she tripped over the rug, hit
her head on the dresser and now she isn’t moving at all!”
“Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?”
“He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was
all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming
pool. But I guess he didn’t know that you took out the water last week
to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he’s dead.”
***Long Pause***
***Longer Pause***
***Even Longer Pause***
Then Daddy says,
“Swimming pool? Is this 486-5731?”
Positive Outlook
How to start your day with a positive outlook
Open a new file in your PC.
Name it as "Boss" or wutever.
Send it to the RECYCLE BIN.
Empty the RECYCLE BIN.
Your PC will ask you, "Are you sure you want to delete Boss permanently?"
Answer calmly, "Yes," and press the mouse button firmly....
Feel better? Have A Nice Day. :p
Sunday, November 9, 2008
aku di TAG!! (SKADA)
sory lmbat sket sbb ader test here i go~
State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.-
1) aku sker dengar lagu smbil t'tdo
2) sker mkn ns grg dgn sos tiram
3) sker lepak kt mapley tgk bola..sorg2 pown bly.
4) aku sker kaco adik aku
5) kdg2 aku g jamming studio sorg2, g practice drum. mmbr aku smer bz! dh 2bln x jaM!!
6) dlu sker ponteng skola sbb nk g maen basikal kt skatepark.
7) tym exam SPM dlu, bler ader rehat lam 2jam b4 nex paper aku g lepak cyber cafe ngn mmbr aku :p haha..
8) sker bgn n tdo lmbt.
9) aku sker cartoon n manga :p NARUTO!! yeah!
10) x sker marah.
11) sker wat lawak bodo.
12) sker kaco mak aku tgh masak.
13) aku sker doodle kt ym. draw pic org yg ter'syg je :p haha.
14) sker main game computer berjam-jam!!! haha :p
15) slalu kuar jln2 n tgk wyg.
ngeee~ :p
sory lmbt eh kakak~ XD
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Date : Friday 12 Dec 08 til Sunday 14 Dec 08
time : 10am til 10pm
Details : RANtAi ART EVENT mempersembahkan pameran seni "revelation"
Suatu metafora mudah untuk mengangkat seni menemui titik persamaan dalam aktiviti seni dan juga sebagai satu manifesto usaha dan bakat yang kita jarang lihat. Seni itu sendiri suatu penumpahan idea dan semangat melalui pelbagai medium dan inovasi yang diguna pakai oleh seorang karyawan. Hasil gabungan usaha bersama ini untuk menyatukan hasil seni yang berbeza dari segi idea dan cara persembahan untuk mencapai satu kombinasi yang unik, mereka percaya bahawa seni memiliki sifat tiada henti dan keperihatinan yang akan selalu menemui kematian dan akan mencipta kehidupan yang baru. Hasil seni yang hebat merupakan punca dari suatu kematian seni yang hebat di masa lepas. Setiap karyawan memiliki wahyu mereka tersendiri dalam proses menghasilkan seni mereka.
“Nature is a revelation of God; Art is a revelation of man” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807-1882
Monday, November 3, 2008
Be A Kid Again. wut to do??
- Do a cartwheel.
- Sing into your hairbrush.
- Walk barefoot in wet grass.
- Play a song you like really loud, over and over.
- Dot all your “i”’s with smiley faces.
- Read the funnies. Throw the rest of the paper away.
- Dunk your cookies.
- Play a game where you make up the rules as you go along.
- Step carefully over sidewalk cracks.
- Change into some play clothes.
- Try to get someone to trade you a better sandwich.
- Eat ice cream for breakfast.
- Kiss a frog, just in case.
- Blow the wrapper off a straw.
- Have someone read you a story.
- Find some pretty stones and save them.
- Wear your favorite shirt with you favorite pants even if they don’t match.
- Take a running jump over a big puddle.
- Get someone to buy you something you really don’t need.
- Hide your vegetables under your napkin.
- Stay up past your bedtime.
- Eat dessert first.
- Fuss a little, then take a nap.
- Wear red gym shoes.
- Put way too much sugar on your cereal.
- Make cool screeching noises every time you turn a corner.
- Giggle a lot for no reason.
- Give yourself a gold star for everything you do today
xtau la nape kn..
slalu terjadi bler nk tanye psal mkn..
cter dier cmnie..
Lelaki: “McD?”
Perempuan: “Tak nak lah”
Lelaki: “KFC?”
Perempuan: “Tak nak lah”
Lelaki: “Carl’s Jr?”
Perempuan: “Tak tau la”
Lelaki: “Then?”
Perempuan: “Tak tahu, ikut you la”
how to breakup?? (ayokk)
Takde masa yang sesuai untuk pasangan berpisah. Yang baru declare seminggu atau yang sudah berpuluh tahun bersama, serupa saja sukarnya. Ramai yang stay in a relationship walaupun sudah tidak bertenaga dan bermaya hanya kerana tidak mahu memulakan bicara tentang perpisahan. Tiada siapa yang ingin berpisah tetapi jika sudah tiada keserasian, lagi ditunggu lama lagi tidak wajar. Bak kata James Morrison, “no point trying when the pieces don’t fit anymore”, then y perlu mencuba lagi. Bukan bercinta sahaja memerlukan kemahiran, berpisah juga perlu tahu tekniknya agar tidak mengalami an ugly breakup.
Jangan berlengah nk berpisah biler hati dh tak suka, tak sayang, apa pun pasangan lakukan tidak berkenan di matakorunk. Samada korunk sentiasa sakit hati atau korunk akan abaikan sahaja dia kerana semuanya sudah jadi tidak penting bagi korunk. Apabila perhubungan tawar dan hambar, siapa yang happy? korunk pown tak kn, dia pun sedey kn. Perhubungan perlu ditamatkan jika kebahagiaan sudah tidak ada di salah satu pihak. Masa yang diambil untuk memperbetulkan perhubungan adalah tidak berbaloi dan lebih baik digunakan sahaja masa ini untuk mencari pasangan baru yang lebih serasi. Jadi teknik pertama, jika sudah tidak serasi, jangan lengahkan perpisahan.
Untuk berpisah harus berani bersemuka dengan pasangan. pengecut je yang berpisah gune sms, email, telefon atau menghilangkan diri. Jumpa dia dan bgtau ape yg korunk rase, berbincang dengan aman dan tunjuk yg korunk menghormati dirinya dan perpisahan ini perlu kerana sudah tiada keserasian dalam perhubungan lagi. Berhati-hati dengan reaksi yang mungkin anda terima daripada pasangan anda. Si dia mungkin marah, mungkin menangis, mungkin terkedu, mungkin meraung, korunk tak tau. ape pown reaksi dia, anda perlu kuat untuk mempertahankan niat anda untuk berpisah dan jangan kerana beberapa butir airmata yang berlinang, hati jadi lembut dan anda menarik balik niat untuk berpisah walaupun di dalam hati korunk hanya ada kasihan.
Elakkan memberi isyarat klu dh ade jodoh, kita akan bersama juga akhirnya. Mean, jangan memberi harapan ada kemungkinan untuk bersama kembali di masa akan datang. Dont! klu nak breakup, break dgn sempurna. Jangan biarkan pasangan anda cling on to something yang korunk sendiri tau tak ade. Cantas habis, jangan tinggalkan apa-apa. Mungkin kedengaran kejam tetapi itu yang terbaik untuk anda dan dirinya.
Pastikan korunk jgn bgtau segala kekurangan yang dia paparkan di sepanjang perhubungan. Simpan sahaja sudey. Lebih baik korunk fokus kepada diri sendiri dan kenapa anda tidak lagi sesuai untuk berada di dalam perhubungan tersebut. Mengutuk diri dia hanya akan memburukkan keadaan dan jangan bodoh sangat nk bgtau yg korunk dh ade teman baru. Ini hanya akan menyebabkan anda mendapat kecederaan, paling kurang kena pukul dengan beg tangan.HAHA :p
Last sekali, dengarlah n layan jela rayuannya untuk kali yang terakhir. Biarkan dia meluahkan apa perasaan yang dia rasa, kemarahannya, kesedihan, kekecewaannya. Itu hak dia untuk meluahkan rasa hatinya. Cuma, anda jangan lembut hati kerana kasihan dan menerima dia kembali walaupun hati anda sudah tiada niat untuk bersamanya lagi.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Date: 9 Dec
Time: 8pm
Venue: Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta
Tickets: Rp.265,000 (presale between 27 - 31 Oct), Rp.385,000
Contact (JAVA Musikindo): (021) 5798 8623/4/5 (Tel); (021) 5798 8626 (Fax)
Details: If you’ve got some money to spare and really fancy Angels and Airwaves, go check them out 'cos it may be a long, long time before they arrive on our shores. The following day, they’ll be performing at Hard Rock Cafe, Bali.
i LOVE dis BAND!!!! wanna GO!
they ROCK!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Sunday, October 19, 2008

infO :-
HOst : Technology Park Malaysia College
PlacE : technology Park Malaysia College, Bukit Jalil
tiME : Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 2:00pm til toast.
Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 12:00pm til mid nite.
Performance from many band such as:
From TPMC :
From TPMC B.O.T.B :
Tickets : RM18 (RM3 for orphanage (PERNIM))
for more info visit :
Or call :
0173040921 (gerard)
0126280123 (hafiz)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What Flavor Latte Are You?
i am a cinnamon latte??!!!
You may have a spicy attitude, but you're all sweetness on the inside.
You are dependable and loyal. You have you life together, and you're able to be there for other people.
You like nothing more than a warm, cozy house filled with friends and loved ones.
i dont like cinnamon!!!
btw u can try it here :p
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hujan Showcase @ Planet Hollywood

Hujan Showcase @ Planet Hollywood
Date: 25 Oct
Time: 3pm
Venue: Planet Hollywood, KL
Admission: RM25 includes one drink
Contact: 03-21446602
Details: I’ve been told that to really appreciate Noh and the boys, you’ve got to catch them live. Other acts on the bill include Coco and Free Love.
KAMI the concert.

KAMI The Concert
Date: 18 Okt
Time: 1.30 petang
Venue: Car Park A, Kompleks Sukan Bukit Jalil
Admission: Free
Details: If you loved the music featured in the movie, then you must catch the bands responsible ‘live’ this Saturday. A whopping 24 bands in total, featuring some of the biggest names in the Malaysian indie scene … Koffin Kanser, The Pilgrims, Republic of Brickfields, Butterfingers, OAG, Pop Shuvit, Love Me Butch and Meet Uncle Hussain. Music heaven...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What Zul Hafiz Means..
You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.
But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality.
You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.
You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.
Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
hehe..try it urself here.
Monday, October 13, 2008
if we like someone...we must get to noe them 1st aite?
n when we love we actually like or love them the way there are?
coz xde org yg perfect pown kt dunia nie btol?
slh x klu kite tegur psal keburukkan org yg kite knal or sker tue?
biler dh tegur..diorunk akan cakap..u kena terima seadanya.
tp tujuan kite supaya nk bg dier sedar dan berubah.
salah ke eh?
xkan nk biarkn je?
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Colourama 08: A Celebration Of Low Fi Graphics And Music
Date: 1 Nov
Time: 12.30pm
Venue: Groove Junction, Galaxy Ampang KL
Admission: RM15
Featuring : chiptune-8bit performers, new media artists, lo-fi visuals and live performances courtesy of bands from Singapore, Indonesia and local talents as well.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
tips to reduce petrol use
so kite kenalah pndi berjimat skung nie..
so antara cara nk berjimat bg pengguna kereta ialah..
jeng..jeng..jeng.. :p
- Sebelum memulakan perjalanan anda..makesure anda warm-up kn dahulu kereta anda sekurang2 nye 5min. (pastikan anda tutup aircond and radio or lampu, dll.)
- Pastikan angin pada tayar kereta anda mencukupi. Klu angin x cukup kereta anda akan rase berat dan penggunaan petrol akan bertambah.
- Jangan isi terlampau penuh petrol pada kereta anda, sebaiknye isi petrol pada waktu malam.
- Bg pengguna Auto, slalu mulakan dgn Low gear.
- Pengguna Manual plak, jgn over REV kereta anda ok. Klu nk racing xpe :) wahaha.
- Bg pengguna Auto, klu turun bukit letakkan gear pada N, ini dpt mengurang kn tekanan pada enjin sedikit dh menjimatkn petrol.
- Menservis kereta anda pada setiap 5000km ok.
- Last skali, tutup air cond semasa memandu klu bly. Klu ujan xpyh la tutup k, nnt x nmpk jln plak. :p
tue jela..klu ader korung nk tambah lg sila komen ok :p
pandu lah berhati-hati..ingat org tersayang.
maRi mAkan PiZza bersama aKU :p
time : 2100
dh mkn br aku t'ingat kt korang..
hehe..sory.. :p

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
my mum nk carik laptop br since laptop lame dier rosak..

so g la kt lowyat i ngn my mum n 2 org adk i yg kecik nk survey harge laptop..
biase la bdk kecik kn..mane reti nk dok diam..
so while i ngn my mum g usha laptop..
adik i yg kecik skali g main webcam kt display laptop..
i usha la dier..siap joget2 sket kt situ..
hahaha..i tgk jela..layan je.. :p
dier bly plak gelak sorg2 kt situ..
smer org dh tgk..i wat xknal dier je..
wahaha.. :p

trip to GANU' kite :p
1st time g ganu..
ekceli g sane coz my parents nk g beli kain batik..
semangat je nk g jauh2 semata2 kain?
klu nk wat baju utk aku xpe jgk :p wahaha..
nway my nenek n cousin pown follow jgk..
lame gler nk smpi sane dr KL..haish..
bkn slalu pown kn..
kt sane g hotel mane ntah..lupe plak name..
g lepak kt Kuala T' kite :p

kitorunk smer g lepak kt KT while my parents n my nenek g beli kain..
lame gler tgu..
smpi t'tdo kt situ..haha..
naseb baik bwk tikar :p
tue adik aku yg last skali..
nmpk x tikar? hehe :p
mknn beli kt pakcik2 tepi jln tue je..
btw kt KT x bly mandi..coz org kate bahaye..
ombak besar..
so mkn angin jela..

tue jela..kul 7pm br blk hotel..
then nex morning dh blk..
kejap je coz dtg nk beli kian..
y cant we b as wat we have already been?
y must u want more?
i'v lost da person tat i loved most
y shud i lost it summore?
lets b of wat we have already been
nothing more than a good fren
i have lots of them walk in n out of my life
so lets keep it together
Thursday, July 31, 2008
i wud b good even if i did nothg
i wud b good even if i got the thumbs down
i wud b good if i got n stayed sick
i wud b good even if i gained ten pounds
i wud b fine even if i went bakrupt
i wud b good if i lost my hair n youth
i wud b great if i was no longer a king
i wud b grand if i was not all knowing
i wud b loved even when i numb myself
i wud b good even when im overwhelmed
i wud b loved even when i was fuming
i wud b good even if i was clingy
i wud b good even if i lost sanity
that i wud b good whether with or without you.