its been awhile since i update my blog.
nway skung pown cam malas je nk update blog.
but i try me'rajin kn diri utk update ok.
nway last nite i went to lepaq performing art cafe to check out their new place.
b4 dis kt sri hartamas skung dh pindah kt kelana mall.
dh la aku xpena pergi sane n xpena dengar pn kelana mall tue. skada.
well parking murah je. 50sen je 1 jam. but after 11pm kena rm6! skadang.
aku lak bly smpi kul 10.10pm.
smpi2 aku tanye la guard kt situ lepaq ktne.
dier pn xpaham aku ckp pe, n aku pn x paham dier ckp pe. lg skada.
aku crk la sendiri.
jumpe jgk.
kt 2nd floor k.
tmpt dier not bad la.
aku lg sker tym kt hartamas dlu.
lg best n ramai org.
skung nie cm x ramai je org dtg. xtau la nape. mayb sbb tmpt cm x best kot.
aku enjoy jela show kt situ jap.
lepaq wat free show mlm tue. mean sape2 nk perform pn bly.
tp x ramai sgt yg perform. tp best! hehe.
aku pn teringin gk nk perform kt situ tp 'band' aku lak asyk busy je. haih.
nway lepaq nie sesuai utk smer lapisan masyarakat.
bdk2 yg perform smer berbakat. diorunk indie kot sbb tue aku xpena dengar lagu diorunk.
nway gd luck!
x sangka gk byk band indie kt m'sia nie.
tp industri music kite x berapa bgs sgt skung.
but do support our local artist! ecey~ hehe.
aku pn br nk support.
tepat kul 10.50pm aku chow. sbb klu kul 11pm nnt parking mahal lak.
ok. nway klu korunk nk g lepaq cafe tue nie address dier,
lepaq cafe.
2nd floor kelana mall,
jln ss 6/12,
kelana jaya.

oit skada. haha.
i tuka link. :p
skada. nape tuka?
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